Reading, football and internet
Skilled academic with a PhD in English Law specializing in business law. Passionate about sharing knowledge and expertise, with experience in teaching and lecturing at the university level. Strong research skills, excellent problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Effective communicator, dedicated to helping students develop critical thinking and legal analysis skills.
Soft skills: Communication, problem solving, team work, leadership and adaptability
TEFL 120 hours
Reading, football and internet
Microsoft word, PowerPoint, Excel
Published articles
-Malicky S. 'Priority of Rehiring under Cameroonian Labour law'. International Journal of Law and Political science (June 2023) Pp. 224-234.
Articles under review
-'Objective Discrimination under Cameroonian Labour law' Journal of Social and Legal Studies.
-'Probationary Hiring in Labour Relations under Cameroonian Law'.
The 6th African Labour Society Conference 2024, at Indaba Conference Centre Johannesburg, South Africa, 1st and 2nd August 2024.
"Droit et pratique de la publicite commerciale au Cameroon" at salle dear spectacle, University of Dschang 6th December 2023.
The employee and ethical values in Cameroun 2022, University of Dschang, 7th and 8th December 2022.
Dr. Mbah-Fonkimeh Ngwene, Senior Lecturer, University of Dschang, Tel: (+237) 677139247
Pr. NAH Thomas Fuashi, Professor, University of Dschang, Tel: (+237) 675040275
Pr. ANAZETPOUO Zakari, Professor, University of Dschang, Tel: (+237) 697922225
IMPACT Polytechnic, Tel: (+237) 671948400, email: impact
Yaounde School of Economics and Management (YSEM), Tel: (+237) 243263186
TEFL 120 hours